Saturday, February 05, 2005

I'm Deeply Disturbed...

From 'The War on Terror', to 'outsourcing', to the influence of 'the religious right' on American politics, I'm left wondering if I'm living in the country I thought I was. Am I not living in the United States of America, a country founded on the principles of individual liberty? A champion against oppression and exploitation? What happened to 'Make Love, Not War' and 'Made in America' and the seperation of church and state? My parents lied to me when I was growing up... they told me I was inheriting a better world than their parents had. My mother passed away in May of 2000... before Dubya ever stepped foot into office. I'm sure she's rolling over in her grave right now. Dad's still around... and still a proud Democrat... shaking his heads at the pseudo-Christian Republican war-mongers that are running this country and making global asses of US... all in the name of democracy and capitalistic principles. Fuck it... I'm going to build my own spaceship and go on a quest for another habitable planet where I can start my own society. I society where there will be only ONE law... The Golden Rule-- "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you."