Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Still kickin'

Hey there... it's me again. Still alive... still not smoking... and still really bad at keeping my many blogs up to date. I thought today might be a good day to start updating them, tho. Or at least updating this one. Why? Because I'm trying to fight off the urge to rip off my clothes and run naked through the streets of East Lansing, and this seemed like the perfect way to keep myself otherwise occupied.

I was looking through some of my old posts. The one about Anna Nicole Smith's son dying caught my eye. I remember when that happened. Something about it seemed so weird and... unfair. Little did I know how much stranger the story was gonna get. Throughout the investigation into Anna Nicole's own death, throughout the fight over who would decide where she would be buried, and throughout the custody battle over her infant daughter, I thought many times about blogging about it all. I figured since I had made a post about the son death, might as well follow the continuing saga. But like most things in my life, I never got around to it.

If you look through my blog, you might notice that there's an awful lot of posts about my not posting in a while. When a person has nothing more to say other than mentioning that they've had nothing to say, is it really worth maintaining a blog? let alone... how ever many blogs I have now... I don't even know anymore. The answer is yes... yes it is. Cuz if I didn't have all these blogs, what would I do on days such as today when I need something to prevent me from breaking the law or otherwise going against the long established norms of society? Hmmm... actually, I go against the long established norms of society on a daily basis regardless... but I don't like breaking the law. So instead, I blog.

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