The researchers went to 66 different college parties to try and get a feel for what college life was all about in the modern era. The lead author of the study, John Clapp, director of the Center for Alcohol and Drug Studies and Services at San Diego State University stated that the women were the most notable parts of the college party experience. He stated that “One of the most surprising things to us was the theme-party finding that women drank more at these. We started going to theme parties like toga parties or costume parties, with highly sexualized themes and with the women wearing not very much.”
“What was surprisingw as it was one of fre places that we know of that women actually outdrank men; we’re not exactly sure why. It could have something to do with fact that they aren’t dressed.”
The basic premise here is that at college parties it is no longer the guys tearing their shirts off and getting drunk, it is the girls doing it more than ever.
I wanna know who funded this "research". I hope it wasn't a gov't grant. I really hope nobody paid these guys to go around to a bunch of college parties where there were drunken half-naked college girls lol.
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