Saturday, August 19, 2006

Lost Hope

Wow... the summers seem to be going by faster and faster every year. So much I wanted to accomplish this summer, and I've done... nothing. NOTHING!!! So much I wished to accomplish in my life, and I've done nothing.

I turned 38 one week ago. Do I feel 38? I dunno... I've never been 38 before, so I've really nothing to compare it to. But I will say this -- I feel like I've let my life pass me by. I feel young at heart, yet weary and beaten and oh so jaded. Tonight, my 20 year high school class reunion will be heald... but I won't be there. I've no money to pay the $50 cost. No car to take me there and back. No spouse or children to show off. No degrees or career to boast about. In short, I'm still living the same now, 20 yrs after graduation, as I did at 19, one year after graduation. The only real difference -- at 19, I still had hope.

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